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Signing Contract

Application Process

Send Make Me Mobile an email before applying to NDIS for funding so that we are aware that you require our funding for the purchase of the vehicle. Please be aware that if we have no current funding available, you will go on a waiting list until we have the funding for the purchase of your vehicle. 
* You will also need to be aware that you need to supply Make Me Mobile with a letter/email explaining your circumstances in detail and that there is a selection criteria in place that you will have to pass to receive funding. 
* Make Me Mobile have a Privacy Policy in place and your information will be looked after according to that Policy.  If you have any concerns you can send an email to Attention Jake Austin on .  Jake is our Privacy Officer.  You will find that Policy in Supporting Documents. 
* When you mail or email us with your letter of circumstances, ask for our Start-up Pack.  It has all the documents you need to read, fill in and send back.  You may keep the documents that don't need filling in.  Please be honest in answering the questions.
Any Child (under 18) NDIS Client/Parents/Carers who is wanting to apply for NDIS vehicle modification funding and can provide MMM with a letter from their Occupational Therapist stating their need for a Wheelchair access vehicle (presently or within a seven year period), can make an application for van funding with Make Me Mobile provided that the NDIS clients Parents, Guardians or related Carers do not:
* earn More than $100,000/annum between them
* earn up to $120,000 between them will be considered but less likely
* the NDIS Client does not earn < $25K by any means
* own a company or business
* own any investment properties, shares or crypto currency
* own any other assets/liabilities that could be sold to help finance a van

Any Adult(18+) NDIS Client can also apply if they
*earn less than $60,000/annum
*Do not have Shares in Crypto currency
*parents don't own a business/company that turns over more than $500,000/annum
*parents don't own Investments or Investment properties
*do not have another source of income
*do not have any Toys (Motor Bikes, Boats, Jet Ski's or Fancy Cars
*do not have a business that turns over more that $25,000/annum
*own any other assets/liabilities that could be sold to help finance a van
*your family have a wheelchair van less than 15years old

Once a Van Grant application has been approved by Make Me Mobile, the client and Parents/Guardians/Carers will agree to our terms and conditions (View Terms and Conditions in Supporting Documents) before signing the contract for the purchase of the vehicle.  These Terms and Conditions include a condition that Make Me Mobile will have first option to buy back the vehicle should the client for some reason no longer require it. 

The van purchase timeline will depend on when the client applied to Make Me Mobile, agrees to our Terms and Conditions, Signs the vehicle contract, authorizes the NDIS deposit to the Modifier, the time it takes KIA to supply the vehicle strait to the modifier, the current lead up time till the Modifier can start the modification  and the time it takes the Modifier to do the Modification.  These elements are always changing.

We have found that people are happier to donate when they can see who their donating to and know their name.  For this reason we request that you provide Make Me Mobile with a picture of yourself and sign and return the Promotional Release in your Start-up Pack. 

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