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What’s New

Make Me Mobile is always interested in promoting the charitable work we do. If you would like to stay informed about everything happening at Make Me Mobile, including the latest news, upcoming events, and fundraising activities, check out the latest below. We do our best to update our section with the newest and latest so you’re in the know.

Doctor Talking to Boy in Wheelchair
Paraplegic Sporting Event
Basketball Player on Wheelchair
Purple Dog Balloon

  Make Me Mobile's Board Members are Peter White, Jake Austin and Elizabeth Burdack. 

Cans 4 Vans
Make Me Mobile recently had a story in the Border Mail (Albury Wodonga)

Tumba Fest 2024
24th & 25th of February

Make Me Mobile cooked our first sausage sizzle at this years Tumba Fest.  We sold 370 snags and 120 bacon & egg burgers over the two days.  We had a great weekend and now a lot more people know a bit about Make Me Mobile and what we are striving to achieve in the community.

Make Me Mobile is already looking forward to having a wheelchair-accessible vehicle on display at the Tumba Fest on the 24th & 25th of February in 2024


Jake and Peter went to the Special Children's Christmas Party to raise awareness about our Charity and what we are doing in the community.  Jake and Peter made some new connections and we talked about how we can get involved a bit more next year! We had a bit of fun with Santa and his alpaca.  

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Even Santa's alpaca thought it was a great Party!

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Lets do that again!!


Masons Story was in the Leeton News Paper, The Irrigator.  Kirstie tells how Make Me Mobile's support will change their lives.

A New Design (1) - Made with PosterMyWall (2).jpg

Kristie made these posters to put up around Leeton!
Awesome Job Kristie!
If you live around Leeton please donate to Mason's fundraising.

A New Design - Made with PosterMyWall (2).jpg

Thanks for the grant Albury Wodonga Connect Communities


Thanks to Social Plus Riverina for your generous donation!


Make Me Mobile were at PAX 2023 and Peter had his Photo take with Sonic who doesn't seem very empresses for some reason!


Make Me Mobile is written on the twitch board somewhere.  Can you find it?

Here is another for you to have a go at.  Can you find Make Me Mobile in two different spots?


Ran into
Obi-Wan Kenobi!


Visit to Freedom Motors

2nd May 2023

Peter White CEO of Make Me Mobile flew to Sydney on 2nd of May 2023 to pick up his families Van after it had been modified.  The White Family got a loan to buy their van and Lachlan's NDIS funding paid Freedom Motors to modify the new KIA Carnival.  

Peter took this opportunity to have a quick guided tour of the facilities at Freedom Motors and was very impressed by what he saw.

Shauny Van Mullekom  of Freedom Motors and Peter posed for a promotional photo after Shauny had run through an official handover of the Whites new KIA. 

Peter and Anita are very happy with their New KIA Carnival and the professional service they received from 

Freedom Motors Australia.

Thankyou KIA and Freedom Motors

Tumba Fest 2023

25th and 26th of February

Neotheast food and wine Festival

Peter and Jake attended our first ever market stall representing Make Me Mobile!


Jake, Maxaminion and Peter

Community Interaction

29th of October 2022

Nail Can Hill Run West Albury

Recently attended Event


Nail Can Hill Run

On 30th April Make Me Mobile Founder Peter White and Director Jake Austin also from Make Me Mobile, were invited to join the team of RSM (Accountants) at the Nail Can Hill Run hosted by the West Albury Rotary Club.  Jake and Peter had a great day talking to people about what Make Me Mobile aims to achieve in the community and throughout Australia.

Peter and Jake meet the Mayor of Albury

This was a great opportunity for Make Me Mobile Ambassadors Peter and Jake to get out in the community and share the Make Me Mobile Mission.  They met lots of interesting people including the Mayor of Albury Kylie King and were able to explain the community need for such a great charity like Make Me Mobile


Meeting with the Mayors

On Monday 18th of July, Make Me Mobile Founder Peter White and RSM's National Director - Medical Services Pete Nicol meet with Mayor of Albury Kylie King and Mayor of Wodonga Kevin Poulton to discuss how the Charity plans to help members of our community get mobile and have more freedom.  Make Me Mobile are grateful to have the support of our local Leader's and appreciate them taking the time to meet with us.

Want to learn how you can make a difference? Contact us today by email by clicking on the button below

Peter White is slowly getting around all the local clubs to raise awareness about our cause and support for Make Me Mobile.  If your organisation, business or foundation would like Peter White to do a presentation about Make Me Mobile, please contact Peter on email, to arrange a booking! 

Q&A Seminar

Make Me Mobile Charity's frequently
 asked questions!

Frequently Asked Questions
​Q. What is to stop the client form selling the vehicle?
A. Make Me Mobile keep a Personal Properties Securities Registration on the Vehicle (PPSR) so it cannot legally be sold without our permission and knowledge.  This is to stop fraudulent people from applying, then selling the Vehicle to get the financial benefit and leaving the client with no transport.  The NDIS will only provide vehicle funding for a client every 10 years.
​Q. Does the NDIS pay the clients vehicle insurance?
A. No.  This needs to be paid by the client from their income or their pension.
​Q. Does the NDIS pay the registration fee for the client’s vehicle?
A. No but in NSW registration is free for anyone on a pension. Check with your State transport department.
Q. Does the NDIS pay for the servicing of the vehicle?
A. No.  This needs to be budgeted buy the client/parents/guardians/carers from the client’s income or pension.  We are looking into this to see what we can do to limit the costs of servicing.
Q. When should I apply to Make Me Mobile for funding?
A. You should send Make Me Mobile an email to let us know of your circumstance and request a Sign-Up Pack.  Once you receive your Sign-Up Pack, fill it out providing all the information required.  Once you have all the information required and the check list completed, send it to our PO Box listed on our website.  Once the Board have reviewed the information you will be sent an email informing you of our decision.  If you are accepted, you can use your email to support your NDIS application for vehicle modification funding.
​Q. Does it have to be a KIA?
A. Your circumstance will be considered but otherwise yes.
Q. Do I have to be a NDIS client?
A. Yes.  You must be a NDIS client to be eligible to receive the vehicle modification funding (approximately $35,000 from the NDIS) to then be eligible for Make Me Mobile funding (approximately $55,000).  
Q. How long does it take to get a wheelchair access vehicle?
A.  It varies, it can take 6 to 10 weeks for the modification to be completed.  Currently it is taking 10 months to get a KIA into the country.  
Q. Who will be doing the modification?
A. Freedom Motors is our preferred supplier but if they can't keep up with the demand, we will be seeking assistance from other modifiers.
Q. What will it cost me?
A. If approved by the NDIS for vehicle modification funding, the NDIS will pay for the modification. If you are approved by the Board of MMMC and we have the funding available, Make Me Mobile will pay for the vehicle. Anything outside these two parameters we cannot comment on.
Q. How does the privacy policy affect me as a client?
A. The privacy policy is so you are aware of our commitment to the Client to protect their information that they are providing us.  This is legislation that we must follow. 
Q. Why does Make Me Mobile want my image and what will it be used for?
A. Make Me Mobile require up to three photos of you that you choose to allow us to use on social media and our website. This makes raising money for these vehicles a lot easier for us and more real to the public because they can see who their money is helping.  Their money is not going to something they can’t see! Without these photos it is very difficult to raise the money for these vehicles.

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