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What’s New

Make Me Mobile is always interested in promoting the charitable work we do. If you would like to stay informed about everything happening at Make Me Mobile, including the latest news, upcoming events, and fundraising activities, check out the latest below. We do our best to update our section with the newest and latest so you’re in the know.

Doctor Talking to Boy in Wheelchair
Paraplegic Sporting Event
Basketball Player on Wheelchair
Purple Dog Balloon

  Make Me Mobile's Board Members are

Peter White, Jake Austin and Elizabeth Burdack. 

People in the Mall

Maxaminion's Aventures

A big thankyou to Center Management Lavington for allowing Max to come to West End Plasa Albury to promote our  Cans 4 Vans program. Cans 4 Vans is a Make Me Mobile Charity program to help raise funds so we can purchase wheelchair accessible vehicles for low income NDIS clients that could not otherwise afford them. 

If you see Max in Albury, you can stop and grab a brochure off Max to find out more about Cans 4 Vans.

Over the next few months keep a lookout for Maxaminion's buddy's popping up in a shopping center near you in Albury Wodonga.

Melbourne Cityscape

PAX 2024

Make Me Mobile Founder/CEO  Peter White spent the weekend in Melbourne with his 25 year old son Lachlan at PAX.  Lachlan is big into gaming and had a big weekend exploring all PAX had to offer while Peter looked for  opportunities to let people know about Make Me Mobile and Cans 4 Vans.  Peter had a great conversation with members of the Black Dog Institute about the way that they might assist our Cans 4 Vans program to help raise funds so we can purchase wheelchair accessible vehicles for low income NDIS clients that could not otherwise afford them. 

Melbourne Cityscape

Start collecting Cans 4 Vans today!

White Structure

At Regent Cinemas Albury

If your going to the Cinemas in Albury, over the next 12 months, you can see our brochure stand in the foyer.  Grab yourself a brochure that tells you all about Cans 4 Vans and how it can help us raise funding to buy wheelchair accessible vehicles for low income NDIS clients who could not otherwise afford them.

Start your collection of cans and bottles for Cans 4 Vans today!!  

Cans 4 Vans
Make Me Mobile recently had a story in the Border Mail (Albury Wodonga)